Mr. Todd Frantom – LLHC’s Hero of the first Rolling Whitetails expedition!

It is truly our honor to introduce to you Mr. Todd Frantom.  Todd served as a Navy Combat Photographer / Mass Communication Specialist from 2000 to 2014.  Throughout his naval career, he successfully completed one (1) combat tour in Afghanistan and five (5) combat tours in Iraq, during which he was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for valor and heroism.  Todd is now President of Nature Images, LLC, and enjoys spending time with his family and friends in the great outdoors.

We are delighted to host Mr. Frantom as the inagural recipient of the Rolling Whitetails expedition series taking place in Georgia next month.  Truly, we thank all who have assisted in helping us provide this incredible three-day event for Todd.  It is through prayer, exposure, and generosity that we will continue serving men and women like him who have sacrificed so much for our country.

If you’d like to learn more about the Rolling Whitetails expedition series, please email us at

If you’d like to help us continue to serve others, we ask that you go to or scan the code below.

God bless, y’all!



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