Established in 2008

get involved

Thank you for supporting our ministry to bring the great outdoors into the lives of American military men, women, and families!

Membership opportunities to help support our mission

As we embark on this journey of healing, we recognize the invaluable role that partnerships with companies and generous individuals play in our success.

Through sponsorship packages and donations that cater to various interests and commitments, we forge meaningful connections that fuel our mission and ensure our survival as an organization.

Direct Veteran Benefit Expenditures
Operational Costs and Expenses
Expenditure Balance

(Jan 1, 2020 through Mar 05, 2022)

supporting our mission

The vital role of donations

We realize that not everyone has the ability to donate thousands of dollars to organizations, but still want to help support the cause. This is where our monthly membership opportunities come into play. We want all donors to know that no matter the price, your support makes an impact for our mission. We at Mend the Heart Foundation thank you!

mend the heart foundation

Membership Opportunities

Associate for $10/mo

Receive a window decal and digital thank you letter!

(opens to paypal options)

Sponsor for $20/mo

receive a window decal, branded t-shirt, and digital thank you letter!

(opens to paypal options)


Through family members, friends, and support volunteers, Mend the Heart Foundation has quietly grown into an organization solidifying those traditional American values that all members of society can appreciate.

On behalf of those we help, thank you for supporting Mend the Heart Foundation with your advocacy, your finances, and your words of encouragement; truly, our heroes appreciate your nurturing participation.


“When I first arrived in Recruiting Station Cleveland there was nothing significant we could offer Marines as a unique reward for their demanding duty. Along came Lazy Lab Hunting Club who identified the sacrifices Marines and their families make by finding the next generation of warfighters among the streets of Cleveland and Detroit. Through multiple chartered fishing trips and hunting expeditions, they have given the Marines an escape and experience to feel appreciated and valued. Our Marines have thoroughly enjoyed every second and are extremely thankful for the support from the foundation. We look forward to years of partnership with Lazy Lab Hunting Club and can’t thank them enough for their support.”


Major Hubert, Brian D.
Commanding Officer
Recruiting Station Cleveland – United States Marine Corps

– 05 November, 2021